Here's something I've been keeping tabs on from afar, quite a trip to check out what was effectively a lead... 2500km.
Being the pinnacle of a packed, Industry centred trip naturally the best site was … The night before we stayed with our close friend nearby where we consumed many beers and took advantage of his hospitality and ability to cook delicious meat products…
Next morning it was time to get in there, which took some doing... Regular security patrols almost thwarted our efforts although managing to time our dash correctly across the vast terrain and made it safely inside where we spent much of our 5 hours there navigating the way through a pitch black coal washery, varying machinery, conveyors and all manner of gubbins.
There were many many things to look at on our way round but our prime areas of interest were the beautiful Brown Boveri et Cie winding machines and of course the massive, unmolested Schwarz/Weiss/Jugend Kaue (changing area)
Having a bit of a penchant for the Ruhrpott’s mines has seen me taking four separate trips since 2011 to visit almost all of the abandoned head sites there. Anyway, this was a bit of a jewel in a crown for me and I was pretty fucking chuffed to see it.
Photos: starting off in the 13 storey head stock.
Jugendkaue - Such incredibly photogenic little baskets.
Jugendkaue / dusche
Lampenstube / Weisskaue (where you go when you're clean)
Schwarzkaue (where you go when you're covered in coal dust)
Thanks for looking.
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